Smart school. The school in the sustainable city
If today we try to make cities smarter, we cannot fail to recognize that the path towards a “smart city” passes through school, through a “smart school”.
“Smart school. The school in the sustainable city “is the title of the project in which the 100 classi network carries out activities for a more incisive action on the territory according to advanced participatory methods (Open Space Technology, Citizens Jury) with the support of the RES Research Education Science Association and of the formicablu Communication Agency.
2009-10 The 100 classi network has created the first module of the “Smart school” project in connection with Ecopòlis 2010 (Rome, 13-14 April 2010), where the 100 classi editorial team worked and presented its work (see the presentations).
2010-11 Given the results of the work done, the 100 classi continued their collaboration with Ecopòlis 2011 and realized the second module of the project. After participating in the News Workshops, the “very special reporters” followed the event and carried out editorial activities, publishing articles and photos. At the New Fiera di Roma classes also participated in the meeting held according to the Open Space Technology (OST) method on the theme “The happy eating city”. Activities were reported by students on facebook and are visible in three short videos posted on youtube. As a result of the carried out activities, the 100 classi Citizens Jury presented some proposals to the Municipality of Nettuno, partner of the project.
2011-12 In 2011-12 the “very special reporters” prepared themselves for the editorial activity and were invited by ASSET-Camera to work as an editorial team at the stand of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome on the occasion of FORUM PA 2012 (Nuova Fiera di Roma, May 16-19). Students, supported by journalists of formicablu communication agency, carried out their activities by publishing articles and photos both on the 100 Classi and RES Association websites, so as on Facebook and Twitter. The method used was very effective for the class involvement, as it can be understood from the video made by the students on the first day of the FORUM.
2012-13 The “100 classi – Smart school” project involved students in activities that promoted the debate around topics of great current interest (Rome Science Festival 2013) and local proposals (presentation of the pilot project “Let’s cultivate the city”). In order to participate in the editorial activity and be able to disseminate their way of working online, students participated in training activities organized by RES Association members and formicablu journalists. The program was presented at the meeting held on October 16 on the occasion of the XXII Week of Scientific and Technological Culture, promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research.
Schools have the possibility and the task of opening up to other activities besides that of traditional training, to contribute to the quality of life within urban spaces.
And it is to a “smart school” that more resources should be dedicated.
Word of 100 classi.