2013-19 100 classi – Let’s cultivate the school
RES has always considered the role of young people and educational institutions to be central in the promotion of active scientific citizenship and, in connection with “Let’s cultivate the city”, from 2013-14 it promoted the initiative “Let’s cultivate the school”, a title understood even more in general, metaphorically, as an invitation to grow the “Smart school, the school in the sustainable city”. The Tangenziale verde Pilot Project offered a useful model to create other urban environmental redevelopment initiatives and the RES Association proposed a new subjectto the 100 classi schools: conception, development and maintenance of urban green spaces. In 2013, the presence and management of green spaces in schools became part of the teaching programme in some of the 100 classi institutes, likewise in other European countries, where it is already an integral part of the European citizen education. In 2014, the Architecture classes of the “De Chirico” Art School in Rome developed a first proposal that is waiting for funding: the “Giardino Latino” (Latin Garden). The garden was inspired by the Tangenziale Pilot Project and may be built at the lead school of the 100 classi Network Institute “Confalonieri – De Chirico” in the “Quartiere Latino” (Latin District), one of the most vital and active parts of the historic centre, which is close to archaeological and monumental areas such as the Aurelian Walls and Porta Metronia. The feasibility study of an agronomic garden was developed by the students, who dream of creating the “Latin Garden” and invite other schools to “Cultivate the city with 100 classi”.
During the period 2013-19 various events saw the participation of 100 classi students in connection with “Let’s cultivate the city”, including meetings organized in Rome with citizens about the Green Ring Road in order to involve the local community in defining problems, objectives, tools and actions for the care of commons according to the principle of subsidiarity:
February 25, 2014 at the AsSaggi Science Bookshop;
May 15, 2014 at the S. Francesca Cabrini Parish;
July 28, 2014 at the Botanical Garden;
April 21, 2015 at the Faculty of Medicine of Rome Sapienza University.
More activities were also carried out by 100 classi:
participation in the “Mundus maris” Award and organization of the World Oceans Day;
participation in the “Science according to me” Award;
Maker Faire Rome, Palazzo dei Congressi, with particular attention to the days dedicated to schools;
Scientific Culture Week;
Rome Science Festival at the Parco della Musica Auditorium;
Impresa Ambiente Award at the Hadrian’s Temple in Rome;
visits to various exhibitions and museums, including a visit to the MAXXI in Rome with an introductory lesson by the architect Piero Sartogo regarding “TRA / BETWEEN art and architecture. Rome Interrupted | Piero Sartogo and the artists” (May 2014), two exhibitions in one to retrace the season of new attention to contemporary culture promoted at the end of the Seventies by the innovative activity of International Meetings of Art.
Maker Faire Rome, Palazzo dei Congressi, with particular attention to the days dedicated to schools;
Scientific Culture Week;
Rome Science Festival at the Parco della Musica Auditorium;
Impresa Ambiente Award at the Hadrian’s Temple in Rome;
visits to various exhibitions and museums, including a visit to the MAXXI in Rome with an introductory lesson by the architect Piero Sartogo regarding “TRA / BETWEEN art and architecture. Rome Interrupted | Piero Sartogo and the artists” (May 2014), two exhibitions in one to retrace the season of new attention to contemporary culture promoted at the end of the Seventies by the innovative activity of International Meetings of Art.